Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Fair and Tea with the Llamas


On Friday and Sunday Rachel and I volunteered to work at the state fair, the Forest Service had a booth set up, where we talked to visitors and handed out brochures. This was a great experience for us both. We worked  four hour shifts then got to walk around the fair, The first night being Friday night the State Fair was PACKED!!! Tons and tons of people everywhere! During the eight day duration of the fair there was an estimated 175,000 people present.
On Saturday we had an event at the cradle involving Llamas!! Basically a local Llama farm brought a few of their rescue llamas into teach us about llamas and then use them as pack animals to travel up the trail (300 feet elevation change) to have tea time. it was a pretty sweet experience, because llamas have pads (like a dog) not hoofs (like a horse) they are allowed on any trail in the Pisgah National Forest. I found this fasinating. we had a really goot turn out, about 100 for the first trip and 60 for the second one. not only that it was good exersice for all of us, seeing as one loop was 2.1 miles we got in about 4.2 miles just with the llamas.


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