Monday, August 27, 2012

Two Float Trips and a Road Trip

Rachel and I went on a float trip down the French Broad river, it was wonderful lazy trip, before we left we picked up some food and went to the college to see if we could see the famous White Squirrel ( I was convinced they weren’t real) but low and behold I saw not one but two little White Squirrels. It was pretty sweet.
The next day (Tuesday August 22) I left for my work trip, I started in Robbinsville NC met with a few Campground Hosts, stayed overnight and then went on over to Tellico Plains TN, in TN we met with a few more Campground Hosts, ended the day in Chattanooga TN. It was a great trip; I learned so much and had a really fun time getting to know some regional volunteers, learned a lot about the culture of Campground Hosting and about what trainings need to be offered. This was the trip were Michelle, two people from San Dimas and myself interviewed recreation staff as well as campground hosts to see what training they provide or what training they wish they had access to. What they wish they knew when they started, what they deal with on a daily basis. It was very informative. On a sad note, the Green Machine died twice on the way home from the trip, he is scheduled to go to the doctor sometime this week, everyone believes they won’t pay to fix him and he will be put down.  It’s a very sad day indeed; we have been through so much together.

On a lighter note, Rachel and I conquered our fears and braved the 68 degree water and went down Sliding Rock. You slide down the 80 foot long natural waterslide, landing in an 8 foot deep pool fully submerging your body in the cold water, it was so icy, and I now know why they have so many rescues. When you hit the pool your natural response is to breathe in, well when you are underwater, breathing in is not an option, hence the rescues. We ended our lazy Sunday with another float trip and dinner at my uncle’s house, where I met my new second cousin Abigail. 

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