Saturday, April 28, 2012

Driving, Driving, Driving

While it seems I have been getting a lot done in the last week, it also seems all I do is drive. I drive one hour to Asheville in the morning, work 8 hours and then drive back, doing the math that’s 10 hours a day.  That’s a typical work week for me, this week we had 2 public meetings.

Did I mention we had SNOW!
Public playing with maps!
 The one on Tuesday was in Mars Hill, which is and hour north of Asheville. We got everything ready for the meeting and drove there, had a 3-hour meeting about trails strategy, then drove back. Made for a long day, as the meeting was from 5-8pm. I didn’t get home till 10pm. Wednesday I got everything organized for our Thursday meeting because I wouldn’t be coming in on Thursday as the meeting is 3 hours away, with a 3 hour meeting. (3+3+3=9 hours) The meetings consist of going over our expectations, then introducing everyone, then the public gets to draw all over giant maps. This is so they can draw in the areas they want to have decommissioned, or possible connectors to make trails loops. Everyone loves loop trails. The meetings usually go pretty well, but dealing with the public, you never know when you might get a firework. (Someone who is loud, fiery and draws attention.) So far nothing too terrible, and for the most part people are respectful. It can be an issue when you bring all three groups together: horse, bike, and hike. (Oh and come on people when we say hike, we mean foot travel, please don’t put down, “No, I don’t hike I bird watch” or “I’m a trail runner, not a hiker”. Come on work with us here.)

The Biltmore in all its glory!
Friday I was off! I woke up at the bright hour of 9am I got to sleep in, (Awesome) then I went for a run, I managed to run a whole mile at 3000 feet elevation, pretty proud of myself. I’m practicing for the Pack Test, which is 3 miles in 45 minutes with a 45-pound pack. The start of getting fire qualified. (I’m pretty excited about that as well) When I was finished, I went to the Biltmore Estates. It was amazing to see the history of such an old building, I decided to get a season pass, which will get me in for free and any guests in for 2/3's the price, which is a pretty good deal. I went with Derek, my housemate, and his girlfriend Dixie. It was nice to just hang out. Except after my run then walking the 100,000 miles (no exaggeration) at the Biltmore, my legs were sure protesting. After the Biltmore, I went to my aunt and uncle's house for supper; it was wonderful, steak and potatoes, amazing salad and homemade salad dressing. Good wine and great company.

Today is Saturday, and I have donned my pickle suit to brave the masses. We have a conference call and I have come to expect writing this blog on Saturdays as I can not fit it in on any other day. I think it would be helpful to me to blog everyday, but then I think I would work more like a 12 hour day and that would be crazy. Later I will go up to the cradle and take pictures of visitors. I think we need an app for model release forms, because everyone hates them. If I could be like "Type your name then press accept," the world would be a much happier place. We need an app like the UPS: sign here and you got your package! Or in our case: sign here now I can use your image for anything forest service related. I’m not sure people realize what they are signing. I’m not saying don’t do it, I’m just saying ask questions “What is this going to be used for?” “How long do you keep the images?” etc. Simple questions might make you uncomfortable, like the first one, I can use it for anything because you gave me the rights for your image, and the second one, I can keep it for as long as I want. I own the image, its mine, you gave it to me to keep. Kind of creepy right? Or whenever you are at a large event, you are pretty much fair game. When you enter the event, your image is mine! Be creeped out, very creeped out, but please let me take your photo! :)
At the top of the Mountain you drive through clouds, not fog!

1 comment:

  1. Taylor and Erin should remember our visit to the Biltmore house, not a bad little country summer home eh? If you can get back there when it is all decorated up for Christmas I hear it is something else. Keep on driving, driving, driving and thanks for blogging!
