Monday, August 27, 2012

Two Float Trips and a Road Trip

Rachel and I went on a float trip down the French Broad river, it was wonderful lazy trip, before we left we picked up some food and went to the college to see if we could see the famous White Squirrel ( I was convinced they weren’t real) but low and behold I saw not one but two little White Squirrels. It was pretty sweet.
The next day (Tuesday August 22) I left for my work trip, I started in Robbinsville NC met with a few Campground Hosts, stayed overnight and then went on over to Tellico Plains TN, in TN we met with a few more Campground Hosts, ended the day in Chattanooga TN. It was a great trip; I learned so much and had a really fun time getting to know some regional volunteers, learned a lot about the culture of Campground Hosting and about what trainings need to be offered. This was the trip were Michelle, two people from San Dimas and myself interviewed recreation staff as well as campground hosts to see what training they provide or what training they wish they had access to. What they wish they knew when they started, what they deal with on a daily basis. It was very informative. On a sad note, the Green Machine died twice on the way home from the trip, he is scheduled to go to the doctor sometime this week, everyone believes they won’t pay to fix him and he will be put down.  It’s a very sad day indeed; we have been through so much together.

On a lighter note, Rachel and I conquered our fears and braved the 68 degree water and went down Sliding Rock. You slide down the 80 foot long natural waterslide, landing in an 8 foot deep pool fully submerging your body in the cold water, it was so icy, and I now know why they have so many rescues. When you hit the pool your natural response is to breathe in, well when you are underwater, breathing in is not an option, hence the rescues. We ended our lazy Sunday with another float trip and dinner at my uncle’s house, where I met my new second cousin Abigail. 

Pictures From Smokey's Birthday

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Smokey's Birthday Party

When I left you last, Smokey was about to turn 68, now he has been 68 for over a week, and boy does he look great! Smokey had a birthday party for all of his friends, there were different stations, one had firefighting tools and a game, one had camp ground safety and pin the pail on the fire, and another had the goodie bags. There was a stage with live music, and booth for face painting. Smokey also got cake, not one, not two but SIX giant sheet cakes, they were wonderful! Towards the end of the party, Smokey had some of his furry friends from the forest come visit to teach the kids about different animals, there was even a groundhog that you got to pet, he was really cute.
Last Wednesday (the 8th) Derek, one of my roommates, left for a fire detail in Oklahoma. He went with two other firefighters. Should be back sometime this week, Jessica, another roommate, left to go home last Monday (the 13th). The three wilderness guys got back from their two week trip in the Linville Gorge Wilderness; they hiked every trail, that’s pretty impressive. Lastly Rachel is just being Rachel.
I have been working on a Campground Host trip that I am going on next week. It involves traveling to Robbinsville NC, then to Chattanooga, TN, then back home, I am pretty excited to get out of the office. We will be talking to recreation staff and Campground Hosts to see how they handle emergencies. We are trying to find out what training is provided and what is needed for both Forest Service Employees and Campground Hosts. I have also had to make a few posters, one for proper use of trash cans, (trash goes in the can, not on top, we are in bear country) and one for the volunteer banquet we will be having on the 5th of September, I really enjoy using my creativity to create flyers. Lastly I had to fill out a CA-1 form (Federal Employee’s Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay) one of our volunteers up at the Cradle got injured while working, I got to be the lead on the process, I learned that the system is set up for employees not for volunteers, so some of the date they need does not compute. It was very interesting to learn how to gather and input the data. (The volunteer will be fine; she received 4 stiches for a cut.)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Almost Smokey's Birthday

How Many Hummingbirds do you see?
Last time I left you we were a few weeks away from Smokey's Birthday Party. Well the day has come, Smokey turns 68 on Saturday, and I can't wait! There will be games and prizes, goodie bags and cake! Okay now on to what I have been up to.

I have been doing the usual stuff, conference calls and emails. I also have been working with Carmen, another intern, on creating a brand for region 8 this involves finding out our best practice programs, and how to implement what’s working in the areas that are having less success. So far it has been a challenge, but it has been interesting, we are also creating new uniforms, which is fun, designing a logo and such. We are looking at polos and sweaters for folks inside and t shirts for the folks outside.

Last weekend was Train History day I learned about the old 1914 climax logging locomotive, it was really interesting to hear about how they laid out track and what the logging train meant to the people of the mountain. The Asheville Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society members brought scale models of trains and a train yard to show how trains move and switch tracks within the yard. They also brought memorabilia of 1950s trains including lanterns and pictures. The kids really enjoyed it.

Wild Blue Berries on the hike to the top of Mount Pisgah
Last weekend was also Bele Chere a music and art festival in Asheville. Thousands of people gather in the streets of Asheville to participate, they have all the streets blocked off and people are just everywhere. During the festival there are four stages set up with different national and local bands, it was definitely a site to behold. The people watching was incredible. Before we went to Bele Chere, Rachel and I hiked to the top of Mount Pisgah (5,721 feet) the 1.5 mile and 746 feet elevation change was pretty strenuous but the view from the top was amazing.

Trail to the top of Mount Pisgah

Wild black berries. not very ripe just yet.
Asheville from Mount Pisgah

Tuesday July 31 we had a conference call about "made in USA" which is a new program region 8 is starting to promote the sale of items in gift shops that are made in America, very interesting call where people from around the region voiced their frustration with buying within the US. It was interesting to see that Smokey bear is licensed and trademarked to company in china.  Most gift shops from our region only have about 20% of there items made in America.

Answer to above question. There are 5 Hummingbirds!