Sunday, March 25, 2012

Washington DC here I come.

Here starts the rest of my life. As I sat on the plane on the STL Tarmac I began to think about how I'm growing up. My first business trip. Wowsers! And now as I sit in my 3 room suite waiting for everyone to arrive, I'm thinking this could actually be the week my adult life starts. The moment my parents, family, teachers and friends have been preparing me for my whole life. I'm so glad I have had all this training, all this life experience. So, thank you everyone for making me the person I am today!

My living room at the hotel
Escalator at the metro station
The departure board at Philadelphia

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wahoo Locks for Love

So today I cut off all my hair. I donated it to Locks for Love. Wahoo. 11.5 inches. And I feel pretty good. It's decently cute and so easy to manage. Oh, and right: it's for a good cause. I grow hair and some people can't so yep you can have mine. Anyways it's gone this is the second time I have donated. The other time was in high school. Pretty excited if I can figure out how to add a picture to this blog I will show you before and after.

So funny: Went out with the parents tonight for dinner to celebrate my new job. Wonderful! We went to Spiro's on 141. Fantastic! Now you're all caught up on my life. Wahoo!!! Oh, and yes I'm still a bad ass don't let the dress fool you!

Friday, March 16, 2012

8 Days Till the Rest of My Life

So the count down has begun and as much as I thought I was independent I have come to realize I rely on people a lot more than I had originally planned. Saying my good byes to people who promise to visit and promise to stay in touch is really hard. I know that it will be okay, I will get down there and be fine. But the final days are the hardest. Anyways, starting to pack today. Will have a staging area in the living room; full of boxes and bags and my whole life.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Another Day in the Neighborhood

As my days in St. Louis start winding down, I have come to realize that I have taken a lot for granted. Driving down Manchester with my windows down, I know that I will miss it. The ease of my life will shortly be coming to an abrupt end. In a few short weeks I will be thrust into the real world. It will be an interesting experience to say the least. I can say I'm looking forward to the change. New places, new people, new experiences. Everything will be something new and exciting. I think I will take a walk in the neighborhood. A stroll down memory lane. Take it all in for one of the last times.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Beginning

So, as I begin the next chapter of my life, I thought to myself, "Self, people will miss me when I move to Brevard, NC. They will want to know what I'm up to and seeing how I don't have a Facebook and I don't post on Twitter, I figure writing a blog will be the best solution" and the My Awesome Life blog was born. Well, technically, it took several days to figure it out, but hey here it is! This way when you are missing me and my witty humor you can just come on here and get a Kristyn fix.